I had been diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic head and neck cancer, I had been given the all clear 2 months earlier and the cancer had come back and I was told it would be very hard to beat. I was despairing and finding it very difficult to keep my mind in the right space to have the strength to fight. I didn’t know initially how James was going to be able to help me, my friend had told me just to meet with James and I would know.   James was able to alleviate my fears, and make me feel in control. He empowered me and gave me strength.  James senses exactly when I need him. I will never forget one particular day I was having treatment at the IV suite. It was a very low day for me and I broke down during treatment. James at the time was overseas -  that same day I received a text from James saying “stay calm calm calm, I am with you, you have got this “. It was all I needed at the lowest of days to pick me back up again. He is so in tune with me, this was not the only time he contacted me out of the blue when I needed him.  He has a gift... I am in remission now , albeit early days, I know James played a huge part in making this happen. I know James was healing my body throughout my journey and I know he is still healing my mind now the disease is gone. James is a priceless soul, I would not have made it through this part of my life without him.
Lidia Pino, Australia
I was fortunate enough to have a session with James. It was extraordinary. It began with him knowing about my immediate physical health. He went on to speak about what was going on in my life which, at the time, was quite traumatic. What he conveyed was completely accurate. He spoke of things that I'd never told anyone. He knew of personal guides and named them. He knew the names of both my grandmothers and other relatives. He knew of wise friends who were helping me and told me how the guides want me to listen to them. Assurances that he passed on from my guides gave me new insight, strength and courage. I found the experience uplifting and somewhat surreal. I would recommend James to anyone. He has a true and unique gift
Lisa Carney, Australia
I had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, and had recently ended a long term relationship. I was keeping everything together on the surface, but deep down I was very scared about the future and I was open to anything that would help me to remain calm and focused. I was also compelled to speak to James as he was a complete stranger. When you are faced with a major health challenge, one of the biggest concerns is how your friends and family are impacted. I really loved the fact that James was someone completely removed from my life and my situation, who wasn’t going to judge me, or be burdened by my actions or anything I told him... My sessions delivered the most monumental reset - they were a powerful way to change my perspective and gather strength.I felt as light as a feather after my sessions. I felt secure, loved, lucky, privileged and so grateful to be exactly where I was. I had a new patience and understanding that everything was just as it should be....James is the most warm and generous soul I have ever met. He came into my life when I was at a loss, and addressed deep-seeded fear and tension, that I didn’t even realise I was carrying. After my sessions with James I was able to calmly accept my situation and transcend to a place of strength and calmness. I have no real words to describe how much he has done for me.
Alex Anon, Australia
"Sometimes in life, things come together and it just makes sense. An hour with James has given me the tools to sit back, adjust, understand and put together a whole lot of different strings in my life that simply did not want to be together. There is still a lot of thinking and reflecting ahead for me as I work through all that James has passed on to me from others who I have cared about. Like all great journey's it starts with a single step, my thanks to James for showing me how enlightening and embracing that first step can be."
Karen Anon, Australia
"James is really warm and authentic in his approach. My session with him was not a hokey Ouija board experience, but a spiritual experience of assessing the past in order to have the tools to move gently into the future. There were beautiful surprises and sound word of encouragement and he knew things that not even my friends had tapped into."
Elizabeth Latimore, Australia
James is a breath of fresh air and the real deal. I've always believed that some people have psychic energy and the ability to reach farther than the rest of us, but I had never actually experienced it before. Given that I was in Bali during a transitional time in my life, I decided to give it a try. Right away, James was able to call out pertinent names and difficult situations that I did not share with him. He connected with important people in my life who had passed and shared what they had to say...He is very easy to be with, thoughtful, and open. I felt very moved by the session and was left with new or confirming information, energy, and peace"
Jackie Roberts, USA
A session with James crosses many dimensions - a visit from a loved one who has passed, guidance from a the greater consciousness, an insightful exchange with a beautiful human being. I thoroughly recommend James, his gift is real and is given from the heart."
Danielle Loiseau, Australia
I was really apprehensive about seeing James, as I knew that a session with him was likely to expose parts of my life that I didn't think I was brave enough to revisit. I also knew, however, that a session with him would help me to understand better where I am right now. And so, with much trepidation, I went to see him.I really shouldn't have been so nervous. James is very kind and compassionate, and has an easy way about him. I felt comfortable with him; I knew I could trust him. James has an incredible gift and, with virtually no input from me, was able to pass on messages about me and my life that were completely relevant, and made utter sense. I shed a few tears, but not nearly as many as I expected. I left the session feeling lighter, with a better understanding of where and why I am, and with a renewed sense of purpose
Narina Exelby, South Africa
James is an absolute blessing sent from above with a very beautiful mission here on earth! He was the light in my darkness that I needed at that time, and even though he was just doing a general reading it sparked up so many lights and realisations within! Keeping in contact with James was what kept me on track and to stay there.I used to think James had turned on my light, but I realise now he was reminding me of the light that had always been there, and was always 'switched on', I had just forgotten.
He is without a doubt channeling messages and guidance from spirit. He delivered messages from family that had crossed over that I didn't even know myself until I confirmed later on to see it was accurate. He has provided clear guidance on exactly what I was experiencing in my life at that point in time, and was able to guide me in such a way that I witnessed with my own eyes the dots all connecting. Multiple times James has touched on things that I have never told anyone, nor would anyone even know these things. I know spirit is coming through strong when he talks about things i have only even spoken about in my mind. Hearing him provide guidance on those subjects is always highly fascinating! He always comes from a place of love, his words and guidance really hit home and I know spirit is talking to me through him.
I love interacting with James because when he speaks it's like a beautiful perfectly synchronised message that speaks straight to the core of my soul. I always walk away feeling a big shift that's taken place and feeling very sure of myself.
He always manages to tell me things I didn't even know I needed to hear, but these are words I have treasured with me daily...
I have truly stepped back into my power with my connection to spirit stronger than ever accessing my own gifts and walking my own path with so much confidence. I realised how strongly guided and connected I have been with the divine my whole life (as we all are) James just reminded me of it all! I know now why things had to be the way they were, I see how James was the spark to reignite the fire within me and how he showed up at the perfect time.
Everyone's journey is completely unique to them and the path they walk. What James has helped me with is not something that can be explained with words! My whole world and my entire being has just full blown evolved into the most magical bliss! Words will never truly be able to express or explain what James has done for me in my life.
Rebecca Clare, Australia
James gave an incredible detail!! Names, facts and specific details were spot on. I was blown away by his accuracy and loved his style and sincerity while reading me. Even after the session and still to this day, I marvel at things that he shared that really impacted my life, my relationships and my outlook. Thank you, James. For an incredible, incredible spirit healing!
Joanna Lindner, USA
"I got the pleasure of having a reading with James face to face in Bali. One of the main reasons I took the trip was to really find myself, and get a bit of perspective on my life and where it was then and where it was going. At first I was a bit reserved and apprehensive about having a reading, but on the day I was flying home I booked a session with James; and I am so glad I did. I felt really comfortable during the whole reading and came out of it feeling so pleased that I was able to have that experience in my life. The guidance that came through has really helped me and will stick with me for a long time to come!"